Tuesday, June 29, 2010

When you have messed up


I Samuel 12:20 "'Don't be afraid,' Samuel reassured them. 'You have certainly done wrong, but make sure now that you worship the Lord with all your heart, and don't turn your back on Him.'"


Israel had just sinned against the Lord by wanting a king to rule over them. They wanted a king to rule them instead of God and god was not happy. He always wanted to be their king. God allowed them to appoint a king and even helped them do it through Samuel. The people knew that God and Samuel were not happy. Samuel tells them what to do when you have messed up on god's best for your life. He says to 1. Admit you have done wrong 2. worship God with all your heart 3. don't turn your back on Him.


Just as Israel had chosen to follow their own desires instead of doing that God wanted them to do, so we also have the same tendencies. We like to do things our way and not God's. The encouragement Samuel gave Israel was really good. When you know you have messed up you must admit it, worship God with all your heart and don't turn your back on Him. oftentimes when we blow it, we feel like we will never be able to please God and I have seen many turn their back when they messed up feeling they would never be able to serve God correctly. When you have messed us, admit it, get back on track, worship God and run to Him, not away.


Father, You are the best! I love you and want you to truly be Lord of my life. I know I have messed up many times, yet I want to serve you with all my heart. I want to follow You to the end of my days. Help me not be entranced by the American Dream and getting what I want out of life, but to live a life pleasing to you.



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