Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Children are a Blessing


Ruth 4:12 "And may the Lord give you descendants by this young woman who will be like those of our ancestor Perez, the son of Tamar and Judah".


All through the Bible we see that one of the main reasons for getting married was to produce godly children who would carry on the family. In this verse, and in many others, when the people heard a wedding was going to take place, the first thing they talk about is the marriage producing children. God has always been interested in a godly man and a godly woman producing godly offspring. In the beginning He told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.


I believe we are on dangerous grounds when we call a curse a blessing and a blessing a curse. Children are a blessing! Many times today people get upset when they find out they are pregnant because it wasn't in their plans. many couples don't want chldren because it will mess up their lifestyle. Having and raising children is not something to be avoided, but something to be excited about. It is a blessing of the Lord. We need to change the way we think about it.


Lord, teach us to see things as You see them. Help me to never call a blessing a curse or a curse a blessing. Keep my eyes on You and help me to have Your priorities. Some of the priorities in our lives are so messed up biblically speaking. Let my priorities come in line with your priorities.


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