Friday, June 25, 2010

Preaching Under Arrest


Acts 28:30 "For the next two years, Paul lived in Rome at his own expense. He welcomed all who visited him, boldly proclaiming the Kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ. And no one tried to stop him".


Paul was near the end of his life and ministry. He was awaiting a trial before Caesar for things he was accused by the Jews of doing. He was completely innocent of the charges and was now spending two years in Rome waiting for his trial. During this time, he didn't complain and get bitter against God and his accusers. he used the time to boldly proclaim the Kingdom of God and teach about the Lord Jesus Christ.


If most of us had to go through what Paul did we would be bitter towards God and everyone else. He had been through incredibly difficult times and was on house arrest for two years, waiting on his trial. It is not what happens to us, but our reaction to what happens to us that determines our level of faith and trust in the Lord. If we really trust God, we are able to walk through extremely difficult circumstances and still have a good attitude and still preach Jesus. We need to grow into the place that we are serving and preaching Jesus no matter what is going on around us and no matter if God has delivered us from our present bad situations or not. I'm sure many that came to him said, "if your god is so great, why has he left you in here?" "Didn't he open prison doors for Peter?"


Lord, teach me to react to adversity with grace and gentleness. Teach me to trust You enough that I know You are in control, even when things look bad in my life. Strengthen my faith so that when I don't see the miraculous, I still believe, preach and trust You. You are my rock and my fortress!

I Love You Lord,


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