Monday, June 28, 2010

Give Us A King


I Samuel 8:5 "'Look,' they told him, 'you are now old, and your sons are not like you. Give us a king to judge us like all the other nations have'".


From the beginning, Israel was to be a theocracy. God wanted to be the leader of Israel! He was an incredible leader. When He led them, they defeated every enemy and lived in the realm of the supernatural. They saw miracles, signs and wonders, but still had a longing to be like everyone else.


Throughout history, people never change. Human nature has always been the same. Somehow in fallen man, there is a desire to be like everyone else. We don't like to be different. We don't want others to think we are weird, strange, or different than them. God can work incredibly in someone's life, but there is something inside that will still want to be like everyone else. We must resist this as believers. We are not to be like the rest of the world. We are to be different! Our lives should not be similar to the people around us. We should march to the beat of a different drum. This has always been God's desire, let's be the generation that fully follows Him!


Lord, You have called me to be different. Help me to follow Your voice closely and not turn to the left or the right, doing things that seem "right" to me. I want to fully and wholeheartedly follow Your lead. I want You to rule over my life. Direct my steps and help me to be the man of God your desire me to become.

I Love You Lord,


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