Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pierced Hearts


Acts 2:37 "Peter's words pierced their hearts, and they said to him and to the other apostles, 'brothers, what should we do?'"


The outpouring of the Holy Spirit had just taken place and Peter was addressing the crowd who had heard everything going on. They heard people speaking languages they had never learned, heard the sound of a rushing mighty wind and possibly saw tongues of fire on the heads of the people gathered together. Peter is preaching to them about what had happened to Jesus and his message pierced their hearts. They wanted to know what they must do to become followers of Jesus.


I believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is amazing and that He will confirm what we say to those listening. I believe there is a ministry of preaching that is so anointed people are pierced to the heart. I have a strong desire to see this kind of anointing in my life again. So often people are moved, touched, etc, but I want to see hearts so pierced that they are never the same again and come away ready to lay their lives down for Jesus Christ. I want to see the day when preachers are so anointed that hearts are pierced and lives are changed. We need another baptism of the Holy Spirit.


Lord, you know my heart. You know my strengths and my weaknesses. You know I long to see people's lives changed and for my messages to pierce the heart. I don't want to preach without your anointing for life change present. I want to see true conviction fall on your church again. I want to see hearts so pierced that they walk away from sin and never return. Let the convicting power of the Holy Spirit hit our churches again. We need an outpouring!

I Love You Lord,


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