Friday, November 9, 2018

Disregarding Sabbath


“Your priests have violated my instructions and defiled my holy things. They make no distinction between what is holy and what is not. And they do not teach my people the difference between what is ceremonially clean and unclean. They disregard my Sabbath days so that I am dishonored among them.”
‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭22:26‬ ‭NLT‬‬


God is speaking through Ezekiel about his priests, who He says defiled His holy things by not teaching the difference between what is holy and what is not.  He goes on to say that these priests disregard God’s Sabbath days, which dishonors God.


When I dishonor the Sabbath, I am dishonoring God.  Sabbath is something He instituted and told His people to honor.  When we don’t honor Sabbath, we are not honoring God.  God worked six days, then rested.  He wants His people to do the same.  I need to work on this area of life and trust God to get everything done that needs done during the six days.


Father, forgive me for dishonoring Sabbath.  Help me to implement this into my life and bring honor to You through it.  Show me the way forward in this in my day and age.  Help me to honor You in every way.  I want my life to bring You honor.


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