Friday, March 31, 2017

The Power of a Testimony


John 9:25  "He answered, 'Whether he is a sinner I do not know.  One thing I know, that though I was blind, now I see'".


These are of the words of the man who was born blind that Jesus healed and restored his eyesight.  The religious leaders were trying to prove Jesus was not the Messiah and that He was not from God.  They accused Jesus of being a sinner and sent from the devil, but the man's response was priceless.  He replied to them that he didn't know whether Jesus was a sinner or not, but he did know that he had received his sight because of Jesus.


Sometimes we feel like we need to know all the answers before we go and witness for Christ.  All we really need is our testimony.  People can argue Scripture and history, but they can't argue with a personal testimony.  They may not believe it, but they can't argue it.  We need to share what Christ has done for us instead of arguing about who is right in their interpretation of God's word.  We don't have to act like we know everything, we must need to know Jesus saved me and has turned my life around.


Father, let me shine for You today.  Help me to share my testimony with someone today.  Open doors for me to share my faith today and help me to be bold enough to go for it.  Set the captive free today.  Let Your words flow through me today and help me to serve You well.


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