Saturday, March 4, 2017

God's Words


Luke 21:33 "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away".


Jesus had been talking about the last days and how they would know when they are here.  He was warning his disciples to stay alert and to be looking up for His coming.  He gave them signs of the times of the last days, then said to them that heaven and earth will pass, but his words would never pass away.


Jesus was saying that we could trust His words and rely on them, but everything else around us will burn one day.  We must realize that everything on earth we put our trust in will eventually fail us, but God's word never will.  our trust and reliance must be on Him and His words because they are faithful and true and will never fail.  His word is more reliable than our own thoughts and plans.  we must rely on Him and trust Him more and more.


Father, help me to trust You and Your words above my own.  Help me to live by Your words and not my feelings.  Teach me to walk with You, trust You, lean on You and follow You completely instead of leaning on my emotions, my will or my plans.  I want to be completely Yours.

Your Son,

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