Friday, March 3, 2017

Persevering Prayer and Faith


Luke 18:7-8  "And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night?  Will he delay long over them?  I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily.  Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?"


Jesus had been talking here about a woman who had her request granted because she continued to nag and beg and plead her case until the judge granted her what she wanted.  Jesus was talking about prayer and coming to God in the illustration.  In the same context where He talks about persevering and continually coming to God, He asks about finding faith on the earth when He comes.


In this passage, Jesus equated faith with continually bombarding heaven with our prayers until the get answered.  Sometimes we think that real faith only asks once, then we must have faith to believe we receive it.  Faith should cause us to continue to seek God until He answers our prayers.  Faith doesn't give up or stop coming because it hasn't seen an answer.   I want to walk in this kind of faith.


Father, increase my faith.  Help me to walk by faith and to continue to press in to You, knowing that You have the answers I need.  Help me not to pray and give up, but to continue in prayer until I see answers.  Teach me to pray.


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