Thursday, March 30, 2017

Coming to Jesus


John 6:35  "Jesus said to them, 'I am the Bread of Life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger and whoever believes in me will never thirst'".


The crowds were asking Jesus who He was and if He would do something to prove who He was.  They said that Moses gave the people manna in the wilderness and they were asking Jesus to give them a sign.  He said He was the Bread of Life and that whoever came to Him would never hunger and whoever believed in him would never thirst.


We must come to Jesus to receive eternal life, but we also must continue coming to Him throughout our lives as our protector, provider, and our spiritual sustenance.  When He said "whoever comes to me", it meant whoever comes and continues to come to me.  We must continue to walk with Jesus and to come to Him with our needs.  He is faithful, but we must continue to pursue Him.


Father, You send Your Son Jesus to show us the way to You.  He said we must come to Him and we would never hunger and never thirst.  Help me to be one who continues to come to Jesus throughout my life.  Let me be a person who grows more and more in relationship with You as I grow older.  I want to know You more each day, hence I come.


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