Friday, November 18, 2016

Large Numbers of Fish


Ezekiel 47:9  "Swarms of living creatures will live wherever the river flows.  There will be large numbers of fish, because this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live".


Ezekiel saw a river flowing from under the Temple in Jerusalem.  It brought healing and life everywhere it flowed.  It even made the Dead Sea come to life where it dumped into it.  As he is describing the life that comes through this river, he says, "There will be large numbers of fish".  When God does something, He always goes large.


Since the inception of Word of Life, there has been a constant prophetic word about us being an Ezekiel 47 church.  We generally hear the word about the river bringing healing wherever it goes and we have witnessed many, many healings, but we have never focused on the large numbers of fish.  This morning I feel the Lord challenging me to believe God for larger numbers of people to get saved through our church.  We tend to not ask God for numerical growth because it seems less spiritual than asking for spiritual growth, but numerical growth comes naturally when the river flows and people are being healed.


Father, grow the church I pastor.  Let us see large numbers of people come to Christ this year.  Let there be an increase in the size and reach of our church.  Let the river of God flow without hindrance and let multitudes meet Jesus quickly.  Bless our outreach tomorrow and let many come to Christ.  Bless my own personal life and let me lead more people to Christ this year than every before.  Flow, river of God, in and through my life.


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