Friday, September 4, 2015

Patience and Self Control


Proverbs 16:32  "Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city".


The author here makes one of his famous one-liners.  He let's us know that patience is better than being powerful.  Lots of people want to be powerful, but Solomon experienced both and tells us that patience is better.  He also tells us that self-control is better than being a conqueror of a city.


We should seek the Lord for patience.  Many tell us not to pray for patience because tribulation works patience.  I disagree.  Patience needs to be sought after because patience is found in knowing that the Lord is in control and that the present situation is only temporary.  Patience always wins over power and self-control is huge in our lives.  When we can control ourselves, our enemies won't be a problem.


Lord, help me trust You more and have more patience with current situations.  Help me to control myself in every situation.  Teach me to walk in the fruit of self-control, which is really Spirit control.  I want this developed in my life.  I don't want situations, problems, people, etc. to get me out of control.


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