Saturday, September 12, 2015

God Will Judge


Ecclesiastes 12:13-14  "That's the whole story.  Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey His commands, for this is everyone's duty.  God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad".


Solomon concludes the book of Ecclesiastes with this final word.  He has finished talking about everything under the son he could comment on and closes his remarks with these two verses.  When it's all said and done he tells us to fear God and obey His commands because God will judge us for good and bad.  He sums life up by saying fear God and obey God.


Sometimes we make life so difficult.  If we get to the end of life and have feared God and obeyed God, we have nothing to worry about.  It sounds simple, but it is truth.  In life, we will have a million decisions to make, but the only one that really matters is, "Will I fear God and obey Him?"  When we get that one right, everything will fall into place.


Father, when it is all said and done, my life's goal is to hear the words, "Well done good and faithful servant".  Help me live in such a way that I stay focused on those words.  Teach me to fear You more and obey Your word with all my heart.  Show me how You want me to live out my life here on this earth before my time comes.

Yours Forever,

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