Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Time of the End


Daniel 12:4 "But you Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase".


Daniel was given visions about the end of time over 2500 years ago and he describes with great accuracy what is going on in our world today, which is a confirmation that the end things as we know them is coming soon. The angel was delivering this message to Daniel and told him to seal it up until the time of the end. Here we are today and the end of this verse describes us today. Like never before in history people are rushing here and there. Like never before in history, knowledge is increasing at an exponential rate. It is unbelievable when you watch how fast technology is changing around us. There has never been a time like this.


I am convinced we are living in the last days. I am convinced we are living in the days Daniel spoke about. Therefore, what we do for the kingdom of God, must be done quickly. Time is short and God has me here on earth for the establishment of His kingdom in the earth. As it is fun to watch technology and to run here and there, these are signs that tell us that the end is near. Now is the time to look up, our redemption draws near. I must live every day knowing that it could be my last and do every possible thing to advance God's kingdom in my time here.


Lord, I look to You. I need your help. I want you to lead me every day to accomplish all you want me to each day. Help me to fulfill Your will in my life. Open doors and I will walk through them. Time is running out. Help me keep focused on that instead of being focused on running here and there and watching knowledge increase.

Yours Forever,


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