Monday, May 21, 2012

Jonah's I Problem


Jonah 4:3 "Just kill me now, Lord! I'd rather be dead than alive if what I predicted will not happen".


Jonah was used of God to bring an entire city to repentance. This was one of the greatest revivals ever recorded in history, yet Jonah is upset because God, seeing their humility and repentance, was going to let them live and Jonah's prediction would then not come true. In this sentence, Jonah uses "I" 2 times and "me" once. He would rather die than to be seen as wrong in his prediction. You can see he was more interested in being right than in seeing an entire city saved from destruction.


When our ministry becomes about how we look instead of about the glory of the Lord, then we need to fall on our knees and repent. Just as Jonah was more concerned about his reputation than about God saving a city, sometimes in ministry we can get more concerned about our position, title, reputation, etc. than about the God we serve. Pride and self-centered lifestyle are the opposite of what God wants us to be like. He resists the proud and gives grace to the humble, therefore, we should be more concerned about His glory than about our reputation.


Father, forgive me for the times I have been self-centered and worried more about my reputation than about the people you have sent me to serve. Keep my heart right and pure before You.  I want to lead our church in giving You glory at all times.  Thanks for reminding me how easy it is to get concerned about reputation of self instead of glory of God.

Your Son,

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