Friday, May 11, 2012

Call the People Together


Joel 2:15 "Blow the ram's horn in Jerusalem! Announce a time of fasting; call the people together for a solemn meeting".


In the first and beginning of the second chapter, God is warning Israel about coming destruction that is not from any other source except Him. He talks about how he will devastate Jerusalem with judgment, then he gives the prescription to turn away his wrath. He says, "Blow the ram's horn in Jerusalem! Announce a time of fasting; call the people together for a solemn meeting". He tells them to cry out to Him for mercy and let's them know that if they do this, He will restore them.


Today's word, I feel is a direct word for me from the book of Joel. Our nation is in a mess and we need to blow the trumpet and call God's people together to a solemn meeting to repent, pray and seek His face. He has been asking me to assemble the intercessors for a long time and I am finally beginning to answer. I feel like God is speaking directly to me through this word. I will answer yes and call the people together.


Lord, I am stepping out in faith, believing I have heard Your voice. Honor this step and cause the churches of Ashburn to respond quickly and completely. Help me assemble your people from all the different churches in this area to call on Your name. Give me favor as I step into this. Let us see a great multitude of people crying out to God with one voice. Let it arise!

Forever Yours,

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