Monday, August 9, 2010

Singing in the Spirit


I Chronicles 25:1 "David and the army commanders then appointed men from the families of Asaph, Heman, and Juduthun to proclaim God's messages to the accompaniment of lyres, and cymbals."


David and his commanders appointed musicians and singers to proclaim God's messages in song. It is interesting that army commanders were part of appointing singer who would proclaim God's messages in song. There is a correlation between warfare and worship. They knew that as God's messages were proclaimed in song, the army would be able to defeat any enemy.


Some of our strongest warfare is done through worship and intercession. We must become people who sing prophetically and play spontaneously. If it was important enough in the OT for commanders in the army to do it, we must see it as important as well. Paul tells us to sing in the Spirit. We must incorporate the prophetic and the musical once again in the body of Christ, then we will be successful in the Spirit realm.

Lord teach me more about worship and intercession. I want to grow in You and learn how to defeat the enemy of my soul every time. I believe there is a key here, but want more revelation.

Your Son,


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