Friday, April 30, 2010

First Things First


Matthew 6:33 "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need"


Jesus is teaching the crowds in what we call the Sermon on the Mount. As He is talking about money and worrying about financial things, He throws in this one little verse. Basically He tells them to seek God's kingdom and live righteously and they will have everything they need. In the context, Jesus is talking about money and providing for the needs in life that we have. He is saying to seek God and stop worrying about our money.


This is one of those passages that is easier to understand than it is to apply. Jesus is clear that He doesn't want us worrying about tomorrow. He wants us to seek His Kingdom and when we do He promises that He will take care of us. He says here that if we keep God as our first priority, He will give us everything else we need. It's easy to trust God in some areas of life, but finances either make us or break us as people of faith. When you really learn to walk by faith, it will show in your checkbook. Jesus wants us free from worry because worry kills.


Lord, help me to learn to trust You more, especially in my finances. I want to seek your kingdom and build your kingdom, but I do struggle with worrying about finances. It is tough when there is no money at the end of the pay period. Increase my faith in this area and help me to walk by faith and not by sight. Thank you for giving me everything I need. I ask You to help me eliminate debt in my life.


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