Friday, September 18, 2009

Guard my Lips


Psalm 141:3 "Take control of what I say, O Lord, and guard my lips."


The Psalmist David writes this Psalm with great understanding. The tongue is the hardest thing in our bodies to take control of. He asks the Lord to take control of what he says. He realized that in his own flesh, he could never take control of what he would say. He asked the Lord to guard his lips.


Out mouths get us into more trouble than any other part of our bodies. Our mouths constantly seem to say things we wish we could take back. We need to give God total control of our mouths and what we say. "The power of death and life are in our tongue". Therefore what we speak is extremely important. If we understood the power of our words, we would be very cautious how we use them. The best thing we can do is to give control of our mouths to the Lord and let Him use them for good and not for evil. We need to constantly ask the Lord to guard our lips from speaking things opposed to what He wants for us.


Lord, I give you my mouth. Use it for your glory and not to destroy people. I give control of my tongue to You. Teach me to speak only what You would have me speak. Teach me to count my words and be careful how I use them. You gave me this mouth to bring You glory, let me not use it for any other reason. Guard my lips and let them refrain from saying things that don't need said. Help me today in this I pray.


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