Monday, September 14, 2009

Forgiveness and Fear


Psalm 130:3-4 "Lord, if you kept a record of our sins, who, O Lord, could ever survive? But you offer forgiveness, that we might learn to fear you".


If the Lord kept a record of sins, nobody could survive. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Only Jesus lived a life worthy of heaven. The rest of us come through grace and faith. The Psalmist here connects forgiveness and fear together. It seems in the natural, that the person who forgives you over and over is not teaching us to fear them. Generally we associate punishment with fear. Fear means to have great respect for, to honor, or to be in awe of. Here we are in awe of God because of His incredible forgiveness.


Don't take His forgiveness for granted. If He kept a record of our sins, none of us would make heaven. He has the ability to destroy our lives and send us to hell, but chooses to forgive us and allow us unmerited favor. God is incredibly loving, incredibly forgiving, and incredibly merciful. May we learn to be more like Him. If you want people to respect and honor your life, choose to be a forgiving person.


Lord, here I sit again in awe of You! You could judge us for every sin, yet you withhold judgment and offer forgiveness to us over and over again. If you kept a record of my sins, I would be in a bad situation, but you, O Lord, don't keep a record of our sins. You cast them in the sea of forgetfulness. I honor, respect and am in awe of you this morning. I give you my day. Use it for your glory.


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