Thursday, October 25, 2018

God’s Love For His People


“In the days to come,” says the Lord, “I will sound the battle cry against your city of Rabbah. It will become a desolate heap of ruins, and the neighboring towns will be burned. Then Israel will take back the land you took from her,” says the Lord.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭49:2‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Jeremiah speaks here concerning Ammon and specifically the city of Rabbah.  He has already said that He would judge Israel and Judah for following after other gods.  He was using the surrounding nations like Ammon to wipe out His own people because of their rebellion.  Even in His judgement of His people, God speaks about His plan to have Israel take back their land and towns.  Even in judgment, God says, Israel will return and seek Me and when they do, they will be powerful.


Even in God’s judgement, He is setting up a come back.  God loves His people and always has a plan to restore them, heal them, and raise them up as a testimony to His goodness.  In our lives, even when we have some setbacks, God is working, setting us up to fulfill His plan for our lives, which is always good and best.  He is faithful to us, even when we have been unfaithful to Him.


Lord, thank You for Your faithfulness to me.  You are amazing!  I am amazed by You.  Even in judgment, You are working a plan for Your people to return and be raised up as a testimony.  Even when things are really bad and we have done wrong, you are letting us know that things will turn around.  Thanks for being faithful to Your covenant.


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