Friday, June 9, 2017

The Voice of the Enemy


II Kings 18:30  "Do not let Hezekiah make you trust in the Lord by saying, The Lord will surely deliver us, and this city will not be given into the hand of the king of Assyria".\


The king of Assyria sent word to the people of Judah.  He told them he was going to destroy them and not to bother thinking God was going to rescue them.  He told them not to believe their God could deliver them from his army.


Satan loves to try to cause us to doubt God or His promises.  He loves to try to wreck our faith.  He uses intimidation and manipulation to seek control over God's people.  He will plant the thoughts that God may no deliver you and that life will never change.  We must learn to shut down the voice of the enemy and listen to God and believe His word over what lies the enemy is trying to get in our heads.  When you are not seeing victory in your life, it is easy to listen to the enemy and doubt God.  This is the time to silence the enemy and lean in and listen to the voice of the Lord.


Father, help me to lean in and listen to You when the enemy is speaking my defeat.  Help me to trust in You and not waiver.  The voice of the enemy is clear, teach me to hear Your voice clearer.  I want to follow You completely and totally.

Your Son,

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