Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The End of the Enemy


II Kings 10:27  "And they demolished the pillar of Baal, and demolished the house of Baal, and made it a latrine to this day".


Jehu gathered all of the Baal worshipers together at the temple of Baal.  They thought he was gathering them so he could worship with them, but Jehu had another plan. Since every Baal worshiper was present, he had all of the killed, then his people destroyed the house of Baal and turned it into a latrine.


When God overthrows His enemies, He make quite a spectacle of it.  He turned His enemy's temple into a latrine, the dirtiest place possible.  God turned the enemy's temple into a toilet.  He is all powerful and we need to realize that serving any other gods but Him is useless.  We need to ask God to eliminate any idols we have in our lives and serve Him alone.


Father, show me any idols in my life.  Show me anything that has taken away from my worship of You.  I want to serve You well all the days of my life.


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