Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Where God lives


Isaiah 57:15  "For this is what the high and exalted one says, 'I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite'"


God is speaking through Isaiah here and tells him that God lives in a high and holy place, but that He also lives with people who are contrite and lowly.  He comes to revive the heart of the lowly and the contrite.


When you see the lowly, contrite people of the world, you can rest assured that God is with them.  He makes sure the lowly and contrite have what they need.  God always gives grace to the humble and resists the proud.  With God, it is better to be poor and humble, depending on Him, than to be rich and successful while depending on ourselves.  Humility before God has great rewards and pride always destroys.


Lord, You are with those who are lowly and contrite.  You are the friend of the broken.  Help me to walk in humility before You.  Teach me the way of the humble.  Teach me to be where You would be and to walk where You would walk.  Help me to be more like You every day.



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