Thursday, October 6, 2016

God's Favor


Isaiah 61:7  "Instead of shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance.  And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours".


God was speaking here through Isaiah about a day when Israel would once again enter their land after captivity.  At that time, they would have been disgraced and dejected.  Here God tells them that instead of disgrace, their would rejoice and received a double portion.  He goes on to  tell them that they would have everlasting joy.


Even when we do wrong and mess up, God has plans to prosper and bless us as His children.  We have to reap what we sow, but after that, God will always raise us up as His children.  No matter what we are going through today and even if we rightly deserve what is going on today, we don't have to stay there forever.  God will step in and bring joy again to those who are broken.  God's favor and blessing are incredible.


Father, thank You for reminding me this morning of Your goodness, blessing and favor.  You are amazing.  You treated Israel incredibly and You treat us the same.  Thank You for not holding my mess ups over my head.  Thank You for blessing my life over and over again.  You are the best!



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