Tuesday, October 18, 2016



Jeremiah 26:13  "Now reform your ways and your actions and obey the Lord your God.  Then the Lord will relent and not bring the disaster he has pronounced against you".


The people were not listening to Jeremiah when he was prophesying that they would be taken away and serve Babylon.  They  wanted to listen to the prophets who were saying everything was going to be okay and that God would bless them.  Jeremiah tells them here that if they reform their ways and actions to obey the Lord, that the Lord would relent of sending disaster.  If they would repent, God would turn from what he had determined to do against them.


When we mess up and do wrong, God, who loves us, will bring someone to try to straighten us out or He will simply convict our hearts by His Spirit.  Either way, when we determine to repent and follow His ways, He will turn from what was coming and begin to bless us.  God loves repentance and obedience.  The bad situations of our lives can usually be turned around when we repent and obey God.  When we mess us, our first decision must be to repent and turn to God, then He can change the situations we have gotten ourselves into.


Father, help me to be quick to repent when I have strayed away from You.  Help me to walk in humility and to receive correction and instruction from You.  Help me to walk in submission to You and You ways.  I love You Lord.


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