Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Lord Our God


Jeremiah 10:10  "But the Lord is the true God; he is the living God, the eternal King.  When he is angry, the earth trembles; the nations cannot endure his wrath".


God is speaking through Jeremiah and telling Israel and Judah that they have gone astray from the covenant He had made with them.  He was telling them that their idols were worthless and that they had broken covenant with God.  The covenant was that they would obey Him and follow Him and he would bless them.


We must always remember who it is that we are serving and who it is that we are in covenant with.  He is the all-powerful one.  He is the all-knowing one.  He is the ever-present one.  When He is angry, the earth trembles and nations cannot endure his wrath.  We need to lift our perception of who God is and humble ourselves before Him.  He is worthy of honor, respect, and adoration.  He has the power to take our lives at any moment or to bless our lives abundantly.  This should cause us to humble ourselves before Him and do things His way.


Father, I humble myself before You this morning.  Have Your way in my life.  Direct my steps and I will follow Your path.  Teach me to walk in obedience to You.  Let my life bring your praise and glory.  Let my heart walk humbly before You every day of my life.  I am Yours.


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