Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Who is Wise?


Hosea 14:9  "Who is wise?  Let them realize these things.  Who is discerning?  Let them understand.  The ways of the Lord are right; but the rebellious stumble in them".


Hosea closes his book with a powerful comment about wisdom and discernment.  He says that "The ways of the Lord are right; but the rebellious stumble in them".  No matter how wise or discerning we think we are, unless we walk in the ways of the Lord, we will stumble.


God wants us to realize that His ways are better than our ways.  He wants us to understand that His ways are right and our ways will lead to death and destruction.  When we think we are wiser than God, we are full of pride and God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.  We need to humble ourselves before God and begin doing things His way instead of our own.


Lord God Almighty,  You are amazing and Your ways are right.  You take care of your people when we are not rebellious and trying to do things our own way.  Help me to walk in Your ways every day and to fulfill all that You have for my life.  I am Yours!

Your Son,

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