Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A Kingdom of Priests


Revelation 5:10  "You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth".


John was talking about Jesus being the lamb that overcame and brought salvation for people from every nation tribe and tongue.  He goes on to say that these people from every nation tribe and tongue were made a kingdom and priests who will reign on the the earth.  What are the qualifications?  Be one who was purchased for God by the blood of Jesus.


Many people feel that when we are saved, we are simply going to miss hell and go to heaven.  We are not only going to miss hell and go to heaven, here we see that we are in training for reigning as a kingdom and priests.  We will not just sit on the clouds worshiping God and playing our harps, we will be reigning and ruling with Christ in his kingdom.  We can lift up our heads and know that our future is bright in Jesus, both now and in the world to come.


Father, help me keep eternal perspective in my life.  Help me to walk with You and fulfill Your will each day in my life.  Teach me to say yes to You in every area of my life as you prepare me for all that You have for my life and future.  Help me to walk by faith and not by sight.

Your Son,

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