Friday, December 11, 2015

My Disobedience Affects Those Around me


Jonah 1:12  "'Pick me up and throw me into the sea', he replied, 'and it will become calm.  I know that  it is my fault that this great storm has come upon you.'"


There was a terrible storm on the water and the boat Jonah was in was going to be destroyed.  The captain of the ship had everyone call out to their gods, hoping someone would get through and peace would come.  When they found Jonah, he told them that he was the problem and that when they throw him overboard, the sea would calm down.  He realized that they were in danger and it was because of his disobedience.


The decisions we make and whether we decide to follow everything the Lord speaks to us, directly affects the lives of those around us.  Those who are close to us will feel the effects of our obedience or out disobedience.  We must realize that our decisions not only affect us, but those around us.


Father, for the sake of those around me and for my own sake, help me to follow Your words whole heartedly.  Help me to walk in obedience and blessing rather than disobedience and destruction.  Open my ears to hear exactly what You are saying.  I want to hear as clearly as Jonah did concerning what I am to do and not to do.


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