Wednesday, December 23, 2015

At That Time


Zephaniah 3:20  "At that time I will gather you; at that time I will bring you home.  I will give you honor and praise among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your fortunes before your very eyes, says the Lord."


God had been speaking through Zephaniah about wiping out the whole world and destroying every nation for their disobedience.  He was speaking disaster that He was going to bring upon the earth.  Then He begins to talk about the remnant of Zion.  He says at that time He would restore their fortunes and give them honor and praise.


Generally, we give up on God just a little too early.  The word this morning is, "at that time".  God has set times when He is going to work.  We may have to put up with things for a while, but at the right time, God will intervene.  I'm sure the children of Israel thought He was way late when God decided to bring them out of Egypt, but it was at the right time.  We need to hold onto God and His promises and never give up.  At the right time, they will come to pass.


Father, there are many things I have felt in my spirit that have not yet come to pass.  Give me the strength to endure until, "that time" comes.  Help me to stay focused on You until "that time" comes.  I want to serve You well.  Strengthen my faith when I'm not seeing the results I would like to see at the time I would like to see them.

Your Son,

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