Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Love Walk


II John 1:6  "And this is love; that we walk in obedience to his commands.  As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love".


This scripture tells us what is important to God.  John tells us that God is love and that when we love, we are walking like Him.  This particular verse tells us that real love for God walks in his commands and that His greatest command is to love.  In other words, obey his command and love people.


Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the little details of following God's commands.  Where does He want me to work?  Who should I talk to?  Should I go into ministry?  We have all the questions that demonstrate our desire to want to please God.  Really, we please Him when we love people.  He is most pleased and we are most like Him when we love people.  When we take care of the love part, He will open the rest of the doors necessary to bless our lives.  Let's walk in love.


Father, teach me to love like You love.  Help me to represent You well when it comes to loving people. I want to obey your commands and live a life worthy of the calling.  I know that is best done when I love others.  Fill my heart with love and make me more like You.  You are love!  Let me be love.

Your Son,


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