Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Reputation Makes a Way for You


Ruth 3:11 "Now, my daughter, do not fear.  I will do for you whatever you ask, for all my people in the city know that you are a a woman of excellence".


Boaz was speaking with Ruth about her redeemer and he said these words about her, "all my people in the city know that you are a woman of excellence".  These are powerful words!  She was the new kid on the block.  She was gleaning in the fields as a poor person, but the whole city saw her as a woman of excellence.


Excellence gets you noticed!  When you do things with excellence, people see it and a reputation is started.  Ruth has only been there a short while and the whole city knew she was a woman of excellence.  Her reputation of excellence made a way for her to experience the blessing of God.  We should be people who's reputation goes before us and we should live lives that bring God's blessing.


Father, let my life be a life well-lived.  Let me live a life of excellence.  Help me to have an excellent spirit.  Help me to treat people well and give me wisdom in every area today.  You are amazing and it is a pleasure to serve You.

Your Son,


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