Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Confidence in God


I Samuel 22:23  "Stay with me; do not be afraid, for he who seeks my life seeks your life, for you are safe with me".


David gave refuge to Abiathar the priest who had escaped the hand of Saul when Saul killed 85 other priests.  He fled and found David to tell him what happened.  David knew that God would deliver him and knew that God was with him enough to tell Abiathar not to be afraid because Saul also wanted to kill David.  He could confidently tell a man who was being pursued by the king that he would be safe in David's presence.


We should have enough confidence in God that we are able to tell others, stay here with me, everything is going to be okay.  May we have the confidence in God that, instead of fearing for our lives, we trust God and know that not only are we safe and secure in Him, but those around us are as well.


Father, I want to know You like David knew You.  His confidence in You was amazing and I want to walk in that confidence.  Teach me to hear Your voice and be boldly confident in what You call me to do.

Your Son,

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