Saturday, December 13, 2014

I Will Rise


Micah 7:8  "Do not gloat over me, my enemy!  Though I have fallen, I will rise.  Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light".


Micah has hope in the Savior and let's Israel know that even though they are going to go through some difficult days, they will rise.  He gives a prophetic warning to Israel's enemies and let's them know that. though they will be down, they will rise.  There was a deep confidence that God would one day turn things around.


Sometimes when we fall, we feel like we will never get up.  When bad things happen, we feel like throwing in the towel and giving up.  God is an expert at breaking through at the last moment and restoring His people.  We must have that confidence that says, "though I fall, I will rise!"  We must anticipate and know that God will see us through.  We get what we expect.  Israel expected God to have mercy and they knew they would rise again.


Father God, help me to have stronger faith in You.  Teach me your ways.  Help me to know in my heart when I am down, that I will rise because my God is going to pull me through.  Increase my confidence in You.

Your Son,

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