Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Thank You Jesus


I Timothy 1:12 "I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength to do his work. He considered me trustworthy and appointed me to serve him".


Paul is writing to Timothy, his spiritual son, and he gives Jesus honor for calling him. He realized that the ministry he has was not because he chose to do it as a profession. He realized that even the strength to do God's work came from Jesus and not himself. He also recognizes that it was Christ who appointed him to serve and he wasn't just a good volunteer minister.


I heard a minister long ago say, "some are called, some are sent, some just bought a microphone and went". Paul realized that it was Jesus who appointed him, sent him and who gives him the strength to do the work of the ministry. None of it could have happened if it were not for Jesus. The church belongs to Christ. He is the head of it and he should be in control of all that happens in it. Jesus sends His people to advance His cause in the earth and we must do it His way, with His strength, and His authority.


Jesus, thank you for calling me to serve You. Thank you for the honor of representing You in this generation that needs You desperately. Help me to be like Paul and realize that it is an honor to serve You and to help fulfill Your will in the earth. Help me to represent You well. Thanks for choosing me to serve on Your team.


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