Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Moving Forward


Ecclesiastes 11:4 "Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest".


Waiting for the perfect season, weather, opportunity, ministry, etc. is useless. The wisdom in this proverb is that sometimes we want to wait on things until everything is better in order. If the farmer waits for the perfect weather, he will never plant. Nothing in life is every going to be perfect. We have to take risks and work in unpleasant environments if we are going to move forward. There comes a time when you have to move forward, weather everything is ready to go or not.


The farmer must get seed in the ground no matter what or there will be no harvest. Sometimes in life we wait for the perfect opportunity to come up for us before we step out and move forward. If we want to go anywhere, we must begin to take steps in an imperfect environment, believing God will meet us and make the way clear. We all look at Abraham as a great man of faith, but he left everything, not knowing where he was going. The plan wasn't perfectly clear, but he moved forward and is known as the father of faith. There comes a time in our lives when we must move forward into what God is calling us to do whether it seems the timing is right or not.


Father, help me to take the steps I know You are calling me to take. I know I tend to wait too long on making decisions wanting better conditions. Help me walk in boldness and confidence. Help me to lead Your people well and to do all You have put in my heart whether the timing looks perfect or not.

Your Son,

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