Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Strength is in the Lord


I Samuel 30:6 "David was now in great danger because all his men were very bitter about losing their sons and daughters, and they began to talk of stoning him. But David found strength in the Lord his God".


David had led his men into battle and while they were at battle winning a victory for the Lord, the enemy had plundered their hometown. All of their wives and children had been taken away and burned the city to the ground. David's men were angry with him and began talking about stoning him. They wanted to attack and kill him who had just led them into victory, but in the process David found strength in the Lord his God.


When things got bad for David, he knew where to turn for strength. When everyone was against him, he knew to turn to the Lord and that he would find strength in Him. We must learn that our strength is found in the Lord. It is He who gives us life and breath. It is He who knows us better than anyone else. In Him there is strength to face every challenge, every obstacle and every battle. Without Him, we cannot receive the strength we need. We must learn to cry out to the Lord instead of trying to take care of everything with our own hands. We must come to the place where our life is hidden in God with Christ and He is the center of everything.


Father, you are amazing. You strengthen those who are weak. You give life to the dead. You lift up the hands that hang down. You give hope to the hopeless and help to the helpless. You are amazing! Help me, when people and things are against me to keep my trust in You and receive my strength from You alone. You are my source and I love you more each day.

Your Son,

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