Friday, July 2, 2010

Gifts are not a Sign of Spirituality


I Samuel 19:24 "He tore off his clothes and lay naked on the ground all day and all night, prophesying in the presence of Samuel. The people who were watching exclaimed, 'What? Is even Saul a prophet?'"


Saul's disobedience had caused the Lord to look for someone else to anoint as King over Israel. God was displeased with Saul. At the point of this scripture, Saul was trying to kill David and was full of murder, a distressing Spirit was sent by God to disturb him. Saul was on his way to kill David and the Spirit of God came upon him and he began to prophesy. Others even thought he was a prophet. He prophesied all day and night.


Because someone can prophesy accurately, it does not mean that God has put His stamp of approval on their lifestyle. God's anointing does not mean God's approval of a person's life. God uses people who we would probably never use for His purposes. Always be cautious about the person who is mightily used under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, yet lacks fruit. They can be used of God, yet not even make it to heaven themselves. Many will say, "Lord, Lord, didn't we do great things in Your name" and He will say, "depart from me, I never knew you". Spirituality is seen in fruit, not gifts. Let God work fruit into your life and pursue the gifts at the same time, but don't feel like you've arrived because God uses you a little bit. He has used donkeys in the past and He continues to do so.


Lord, help me pursue the right things. I want the fruit of the Holy Spirit in my life. I want to be a person who can flow in the gifts of the Spirit for the building of Your kingdom, but i really want more fruit in my life. I want to live a life above reproach. Help me to be a man of God that people can see, not just gifts, but much fruit.



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