Thursday, July 29, 2010

God's Unseen Army


II Kings 19:35 "And it came to pass on a certain night that the angel of the Lord went out, and killed in the camp of the Assyrians one hundred and eighty five thousand; and when people arose early in the morning, there were the corpses - all dead".


Hezekiah had prayed for God's intervention against Assyria. He had cried out to the Lord and been faithful to the Lord. The Lord had told him through Isaiah that because he had prayed, God would answer. The Lord sent an army of angels and killed 185,000 warriors in a single night while they slept. Unbelievable? We serve an "unbelievable" God.


When we are living right and spending time in prayer, leaning on the Lord for His intervention in our lives, we can expect the unbelievable. We can expect the impossible. When we go through bad times, we need to realize the awesome power of God and His ability to turn any situation in a moment, then pray to Him like Hezekiah prayed. He cried out desperately to the Lord in sackcloth and ashes. He humbled himself and demonstrated his humility before the Lord. As we do this in our lives, we also need to realize that God has an unseen army that can destroy any other army, and problem, etc. The angels of God are ministering spirits sent to work on our behalf. These guys are incredible! Yet we usually act like we have no defense. God's got the resources, we just need to humble ourselves and cry out to Him.


Lord, increase my faith. Let me see You and Your army as you really are. Allow me to see through Your eyes, every situation I am going through. You are limitless! You are powerful! Your angels are amazing! Release some of them to me this morning to encourage and lift up my heart. I need You in my life Lord. You are incredible.

Your Son,


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