Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Critical Spirit Stops God's Blessing


II Samuel 6:23 "So Michal, the daughter of Saul, remained childless throughout her entire life".


David had just finished bringing the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem. In the process of bringing it back, he leaped and danced and shouted with all of his might. His wife Michal, Saul's daughter despised him for making himself look undignified. She had never seen her father, the previous king, act like this in front of the people. After her critical spirit is seen, this little verse tells the rest of her story. Not being able to bear a child was a curse and if you couldn't have children, it was a sign that God's blessing was not on your life.


I believe with all my heart that a critical, judgmental spirit, will stop the blessing of God in your life. A spirit of looking down on others is the fastest way to stop God's blessing. I honestly believe that many people can't figure out why they are not blessed and why they can't seem to succeed. I believe there are many who look down on others, judging the way they worship, the way they pray, the way they act, and don't understand why the blessing of God is not in their life. We must learn to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling and not get tied up in what others are doing.


Lord God,
Forgive me for the times I know I have been critical. I want to allow my voice to bring forth your words. Help me bite my tongue when a critical thought comes. I love you and want to become all you want me to be. Help me never get a critical or judgmental spirit.

Your Son wanting to be more like his father,

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