Monday, March 1, 2010

Singled out for Generations


Genesis 18:19 "I have singled him out so that he will direct his sons and their families to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just. Then I will do for Abraham all that I have promised".


God is speaking to Abraham and letting him know why he was singled out. It says he was singled out so that he would direct his children and their families to keep the way of the Lord. God thinks generationally! When he wants to get something done, he will start a work in a man or woman with the intention of their children or grandchildren fulfilling His word. He sees a hundred years from now who He will need to get something done in the earth and He is already preparing your descendants by preparing you.


Sometimes we feel like our salvation is only about us, but God thinks generationally. He "IS" very interested in you, but He is also thinking about how you will raise your children and what He will need in place at a certain time in history. I know my grandmother died for several minutes and saw the Lord and was sent back to the earth to raise her four daughters. Many of my cousins are preachers today. My mother almost died having me, but God's promise remains. God let her live so that she could raise me to follow the Lord, that my life may be blessed and many would come to Christ. My children are blessed because of my grandmother and mother. I believe my children will do more for the Lord than I could ever do. God thinks generationally!


Lord, let us see your plan. you know what You are doing and have a purpose for all of our lives. You are building and preparing Your kingdom. We trust You have brought us to the Kingdom for such a time as this. Teach us to think generationally. Each generation can do more for your kingdom than we could ever do. Let us invest in the next generation instead of only worrying about ourselves.

Love You,


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