Monday, March 15, 2010

A Hardened Heart


Exodus 9: 35 "Because his heart was hard, Pharoah refused to let the people leave, just as the Lord had predicted through Moses".


Moses had a hardened heart and it seemed nothing would turn it around. Plagues were coming demonstrating the awesome power of God, but Pharoah still wouldn't let the people Israel leave to worship their God. He continually refused to listen to what God was trying so desperately to say.


Sometimes people get a really hard heart toward God and the Gospel. Every heart can be reached, but some are hardened, usually through hurt. A hard heart won't look at truth. It won't listen to rational thinking. A hard heart is a demonstration of pride. Pride won't allow you to do the right thing if it requires humbling yourself. Don't ever let your heart grow hard toward the things of God. Don't ever allow pride into your life. It will destroy you!


Lord, keep my heart soft and pliable. Keep me in the center of Your will. Let me always listen to your voice and obey immediately. Show me how to be sensitive to You and not to allow pain, pride or anything else to stop me from obeying You. I love You and trust You more every day. Thanks for all You do!


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