Wednesday, March 10, 2010

God Sent Me Here, Not You


Genesis 45:7 "God sent me ahead of you to keep you and your families alive and to preserve many survivors".


As is normal in all the life of Joseph, he gives honor and praise to God for things that were terrible experiences. He realized that God was in control of his life and that even the bad things that are God working in our lives for our good.


It is so easy to get upset and frustrated when things don't go our way. We tend to feel like God has abandoned us because we don't see good things all around us. We feel like when things go wrong, it must not be God, but God is faithful and you can trust Him with your life. Even the bad things of life, He will turn around for good and He may have allowed them because he knew what was coming in your life and how to prepare for it. Joseph trusted God through some really bad experiences that probably would have left most of us denying God even exists. Instead, he grew from it and walked with the Lord through it all.


Lord, help me to trust You more in the difficult times and to pronounce Your faithfulness in good times, bad times, sad times and times when I don't even know what to do. Teach me to be a person who fully and completely trusts and knows, "God is going to work this out and I will be blessed through it". You are amazing and I love You!

Jeff Jacob

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