Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Revival or Riot?


Acts 17:5 "But some of the Jews were jealous, so they gathered some troublemakers from the marketplace to form a mob and start a riot. They attacked the home of Jason, searching for Paul and Silas so they could drag them out into the crowd".


As Paul is on his second missionary journey, he is realizing that ministry isn't easy. Everywhere they go there are two things that happen, a revival and a riot. Everywhere they go they see wonderful things happening and they also upset a few people who stir up others to start a riot. Here, the poor people who had just received the teaching of Christ are dragged out and brought before the council.


Somtimes we feel like we are doing bad in ministry if anything is going wrong or there are any bumps in the road. We feel like if everything isn't incredibly smooth, maybe God isn't blessing the ministry we ar doing and want to get out. If that were Paul's idea about ministry, the Gospel never would have gone very far. Everywhere he went there was either a revival or a riot, or both. Sometimes we judge success by how few problems there are at the time. It had to be pretty discouraging to go into every city, preach and see God work mighty miracles and save many souls, then be run out of the city with your life in danger. Paul never complained, he just thought it was normal to suffer for Christ and was to be expected when you take up your cross to follof Him.


Lord, help me to not look at success as the lack of problems in ministry, but by fulfilling Your plan for my life. Help me to not see difficulties and problems as signs that things are not going well and as signs that the enemy must be disturbed. Teach me to endure in the hard times with the right attitude. I want to serve You with a pure heart and receive whatever happens with the call on my life. You are incredible and managed to get Paul out of every situation. I want to serve You in the revivals as well as the riots!

You're the best!

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