Ruth 4:17 "There is a son born to Naomi. And they called his name Obed. He is the father of Jesse, the father of David."
God sees the desire of Ruth's heart to follow Him and love his people. God not only allows her to come, but decides to allow her child to be the grandfather of King David, the most popular king to ever rule Israel. Here she is a moabite woman who makes her way into the lineage of David and even greater of Jesus Christ. WOW!
God is awesome! He looks at people's hearts instead of looking at people like we do. He saw this woman and how pure her heart was, then decided to bring her into the Israelite family and make her a direct ancestor of Jesus and David. God overlooked religion and tradition and blessed a woman who shouldn't even be alive. Sometimes we may feel like we are not good enough, don't fit in, or don't measure up in some area of life, but God doesn't see as we do, He accepts us where we are. What He looks for is a pure heart. God will bend the rules for the person with a pure heart. It is i seen again and again in Scripture.
Lord, You are incredible! You accept those who others would reject. You bless those who don't deserve it! Thank You Lord for believing in me and blessing my life. You give what we don't deserve and withhold what we sometimes deserve. Thank you for accepting me and working in my life. I want to serve you more each day!
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