Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Partial Obedience is Not Obedience


Judges 2:2-3 "For your part, you were not to make covenants with the people living in this land; instead, you were to destroy their altars. But you disobeyed my command. Why did you do this? So now I declare to you that I will no longer drive out the people living in your land. They will be thorns in your sides, and their gods will be a constant temptation to you".


Joshua had recently died. He was a great leader who defeated many foes. He was told to kill every one who lived in the territory and he did a pretty good job of it, but did not finish the work before he died. The people of Israel got tired of fighting and settled in the land, only partially obeying the voice of the Lord who had told them to destroy every person in the land He was giving them. He promised them if they would obey that He would fight their battles and take care of them and He fulfilled His promised while they were doing their part. Under Joshua they saw God do amazing things in defeating every enemy, but when he was gone, they did what they wanted and only partially followed the Lord. God told them that these enemies that were suppose to be dead would be thorns in their sides and temptation for them.


Israel was just like most of us. We are good at partial obedience. Most people, when they come to Christ, don't realize His power and live a life of compromise. Compromise says, "I can live how I want. I don't want to be legalistic. I will keep these habits, they won't send me to hell". The same things we compromise on, are the things that will constantly be a thorn in our sides. They will be a constant source of temptation to us. We must fully surrender to Jesus Christ and live the life he died to give us, not compromising in any area. When we live that kind of life, he will route every enemy, but partial obedience will leave enemies to fight with the rest of your life. God's power was there to defeat every enemy, but they didn't use it because they were tired of fighting. God's power is here to set us free from habits, thoughts, wrong thinking, etc, but we must not compromise what He wants.


Lord, I would much rather fully surrender to You, than to have thorns in my side all my life. I would much rather live with no compromise than to have constant temptation. Give me the strength to live 100% in Your will and not my own. I want to fully follow You! Help me in this because this morning I realize that it is actually easier to do the difficult things with your help than to do the easy things myself.

Thank you Lord,


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