Wednesday, April 29, 2009

God's Acceptance


Ruth 4:17 "There is a son born to Naomi. And they called his name Obed. He is the father of Jesse, the father of David."


God sees the desire of Ruth's heart to follow Him and love his people. God not only allows her to come, but decides to allow her child to be the grandfather of King David, the most popular king to ever rule Israel. Here she is a moabite woman who makes her way into the lineage of David and even greater of Jesus Christ. WOW!


God is awesome! He looks at people's hearts instead of looking at people like we do. He saw this woman and how pure her heart was, then decided to bring her into the Israelite family and make her a direct ancestor of Jesus and David. God overlooked religion and tradition and blessed a woman who shouldn't even be alive. Sometimes we may feel like we are not good enough, don't fit in, or don't measure up in some area of life, but God doesn't see as we do, He accepts us where we are. What He looks for is a pure heart. God will bend the rules for the person with a pure heart. It is i seen again and again in Scripture.


Lord, You are incredible! You accept those who others would reject. You bless those who don't deserve it! Thank You Lord for believing in me and blessing my life. You give what we don't deserve and withhold what we sometimes deserve. Thank you for accepting me and working in my life. I want to serve you more each day!


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Blessing of Serving Others


Ruth 2:11-12 "Yes, I know, Boaz replied. But I also know about everything you have done for your mother in law since the death of your husband. I have heard how you left your father and mother and your own land to live here among complete strangers. May the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully for what you have done".


Ruth left all after the death of her husband to follow Naomi, her mother-in-law. She told her wherever she went, Ruth would follow. She said she would follow her in every area and when they get back to Bethlehem, Ruth goes to get grain for Naomi to take care of them. While working in the field, she meets Boaz, who was considered the family redeemer. He begins to bless her in big ways by providing for her needs. Then he tells her he knows everything she had done for her mother-in-law and speaks a blessing over her. Immediately she was being blessed in her new nation.


When will be realize the blessing attached with serving others? Sometimes we serve with a wrong heart and don't give ourselves fully to help others. Ruth served in humility and out of a pure heart. She wanted to be a blessing to her mother-in-law. As she was serving with that pure heart, the blessing of God hits her life in a powerful way. God blesses those who serve Him in humility and serve others. God takes good notes and sees every Little thing you do for others. his blessing abound in the lives of those who give their lives away. You can't out give God! He will turn your sacrifice into blessing every time!


Lord, I want to serve others out of a pure heart. No ulterior motives! I want to help people that need help. Serving others is a truly a blessing. The work of love is always rewarded. Help me to love others the way You live them. Help me to serve with gladness and joy of heart. Help me to be a blessing to my family. Teach me to serve them better. Jesus, You came to be the servant of all. Help me to improve my serve.

Love You,

Monday, April 27, 2009

In Their Own Eyes


Judges 21:25 "In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes".


Several times in the book of Judges we have read these words and it never leads to a good end. Throughout the book Israel would do what was right in their own eyes, get off track, cry out to God, a deliverer would come to save them and a little while later they would do the same repetition again.


It is human nature to want to do what is right in our own eyes. It seems like we know best what to do with our own lives. Therefore, we like to be in control of our lives, our futures and our destiny. God wants us not to rely on ourselves, but on Him. He wants us to live according to His ways and doesn't ask our opinion about it. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not like our thoughts. We must come to the realization that He knows best and our place is surrender and submission to His will for us. We should be people who are about doing what is right in His eyes and not trying to serve self any longer.


Lord, doing what is right in our own eyes is being led by the flesh. You want us to be led by the Spirit. Help me to walk in the Spirit, fully surrendered to You. Teach me that You know better than I do and that I cannot do what is right in my own eyes. Your word says, There is a way the seems right to a man, and the end thereof is the ways of death". I want to be about LIFE, not death. I want to grow in dependence on You instead of growing into self-dependence.

I love you Lord,


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Satan is a Pest


Judges 16:16 "And it came to pass, when she pestered him daily with her words and pressed him, so that his soul was vexed to death, that he told her all his heart".


Samson meets Delilah and falls in love. She had been sent on a mission to find out the source of his great power. She asks him three times and he gives wrong answers. She doesn't give up, but begins to pester him and press him with her words until his soul is vexed to death. Samson had a breaking point and Delilah was going to push him to that point. Finally he gives up and tells her everything and she betrays him.


Satan will keep coming at you in your place of weakness until you break down. He never gives up. His demons know your weak areas and will not stop harassing that area until you break down. God wants us to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might! He has defeated the enemy and Satan tries to steal that victory from us. Samson was weak in the area of women and loved women more than God. We can never allow anything in our lives that we love more than the Lord.


Lord, I ask You to strengthen me today to walk in victory and to love nothing more than You. Help me remain strong when temptation comes. I want to serve You in holiness and not bring a bad reputation to Your name. You are awesome and I want to represent You well. When Satan continues to come and pester, give me strength to resist him and conquer every enemy. I don't want to wear out in any area of life. I want to win victories for You and Your kingdom.

I love You Lord,

Saturday, April 25, 2009

O Be Careful Little Eyes What You See


Judges 14:2 "When he returned home, he told his father and mother, 'A young Philistine woman in Timnah caught my eye. I want to marry her. Get her for me'".


We all know that one of Samson's weak points was with women. Here he is really near the beginning of his ministry as a judge and he sees a woman. Immediately he tells his parents, "I want to marry her. Get her for me". WOW! Here is a mighty man of God separated from his mother's womb, a child of promise, and he has a big head and wandering eyes already. He knew he shouldn't even be looking at any woman who was not of Israel. He knew she was a Philistine and they were God's enemies, yet he went after her because of the lust of his heart.


Many people who are significantly powerful in God have fallen because they did not guard their eyes and think with their heads. Somehow the power and influence of a good-looking young lady has the ability to get men off track on their purpose and in their service to God. Men must be careful what they are looking at because what you look at the most is what you will one day go after. Keep your eyes on the Lord and He will keep you walking right. Don't allow the power of lust, greed, or anything else deter you from God's will for your life.


Keep my mind and eyes pure. So many great men of God have fallen in sexual relationships that they know are wrong, yet the love of that woman is stronger than their love for God. Father, keep my love for You red hot and my eyes on you at all times. Samson was a powerful man of God, yet fell. I have seen too many men fall into temptation. Teach us how to conquer this area that our ministries not be affected in a negative way because of our lack of obedience to Your word.

I love you Father,


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Looking from God's Perspective


Judges 6:14 "Then the Lord turned to him and said, 'Go in this might of yours, and you shall save Israel from the hand of the Midianites. Have I not sent you?'"


Gideon had been hiding from the Midianites. The Lord appeared to him and told him to go in this might of his and save Israel. Gideon immediately begins to tell the Lord that he really doesn't have any might and he is the least of everyone (Jeff's Paraphrase). When God approached him, He knew Gideon already. he knew more about Gideon than Gideon knew about himself. From God's perspective, Gideon was a man of valor. From Gideon's perspective of himself, he was a nobody from nowhere.


Does God view you different than you view yourself? From God's perspective, you are more than a conqueror, an overcomer and a victor through Christ. From your perspective, you may feel like a nobody from nowhere. We need to see ourselves as Christ sees us and not allow our own knowledge of out inadequacies drive our lives. God may see more in you than you see in yourself! Also, realize that when He sends you, you have everything it takes to do what needs done or He wouldn't have sent you in the first place. He may just see in you what you don't see in yourself!


Lord, help me to view life through Your eyes. Help me to realize you sent me for a purpose and You knew who I was before You sent me. If you sent me to accomplish something, You must believe that I can do it. Thanks for believing in me more than I believe in myself. Help me understand fully that Greater is he that is in me, than he who is in the world. You called me, You sent me, You must believe I can do it!

I love You Lord,

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Partial Obedience is Not Obedience


Judges 2:2-3 "For your part, you were not to make covenants with the people living in this land; instead, you were to destroy their altars. But you disobeyed my command. Why did you do this? So now I declare to you that I will no longer drive out the people living in your land. They will be thorns in your sides, and their gods will be a constant temptation to you".


Joshua had recently died. He was a great leader who defeated many foes. He was told to kill every one who lived in the territory and he did a pretty good job of it, but did not finish the work before he died. The people of Israel got tired of fighting and settled in the land, only partially obeying the voice of the Lord who had told them to destroy every person in the land He was giving them. He promised them if they would obey that He would fight their battles and take care of them and He fulfilled His promised while they were doing their part. Under Joshua they saw God do amazing things in defeating every enemy, but when he was gone, they did what they wanted and only partially followed the Lord. God told them that these enemies that were suppose to be dead would be thorns in their sides and temptation for them.


Israel was just like most of us. We are good at partial obedience. Most people, when they come to Christ, don't realize His power and live a life of compromise. Compromise says, "I can live how I want. I don't want to be legalistic. I will keep these habits, they won't send me to hell". The same things we compromise on, are the things that will constantly be a thorn in our sides. They will be a constant source of temptation to us. We must fully surrender to Jesus Christ and live the life he died to give us, not compromising in any area. When we live that kind of life, he will route every enemy, but partial obedience will leave enemies to fight with the rest of your life. God's power was there to defeat every enemy, but they didn't use it because they were tired of fighting. God's power is here to set us free from habits, thoughts, wrong thinking, etc, but we must not compromise what He wants.


Lord, I would much rather fully surrender to You, than to have thorns in my side all my life. I would much rather live with no compromise than to have constant temptation. Give me the strength to live 100% in Your will and not my own. I want to fully follow You! Help me in this because this morning I realize that it is actually easier to do the difficult things with your help than to do the easy things myself.

Thank you Lord,


Monday, April 20, 2009

God's Amazing Provision


Joshua 24:13 "I gave you land you had not worked on, and I gave you towns you did not build - the towns where you are now living. I gave you vineyards and olive groves for food, though you did not plant them".


God is speaking to the people of Israel through Joshua as he is nearing the end of his life. He shares how God went before them and took care of them all the way since Egypt. We see here that God gave them things they didn't work for or even deserve. His goodness gave them everything they needed for success. They inhabited cities that were already built. Everything they needed to run a society and a nation were already there. Once the enemies were defeated, they were able to pick up the pieces and establish themselves in those territories.


God always provides more than enough for His children. We don't deserve His love and grace, but He gives it willingly. As He went before the children of Israel and prepared provision for them, so He will do for us today. He can turn entire economies and governments when God wants to do something for His children. He provided the need before they needed it. God knows tomorrow better than we know yesterday. He knows what you need and is working on the plan before you arrive! Isn't that awesome!


Lord, if you took such care for those who murmured in the wilderness and had no faith, how much more we who have been adopted and chosen by You to be called Sons. You prepared provision for them and they occupied territories they did not build, they reaped blessings they did not sow. You know how to take care of Your people. Teach me to trust You more. Increase my faith to go beyond believing and into being convinced of Your faithfulness in every situation.

I love you Lord,

Sunday, April 19, 2009

God is Faithful!


Joshua 21:45 "Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass".


God spoke to Moses and the children of Israel as they were coming out of Egypt and told them they were going to this wonderful land. Here they are many, many years later. After 40 years of wandering around int he wilderness because of their unbelief and many more years of conquering enemies in the land, they get what God promise them. God's promises never fail. Even though God dealt with them for their lack of faith and disobedience, His original plan and promise still came to pass.


God is faithful to what He says! What ever promises God has made us, will come to pass. Usually they will not come to pass when or how we thought they should, but our God is a faithful God who is able to change situations and events to bring about His plans. As we have seen in Joshua, God fought their battles and was with them, even though they had messed up so many times. He was faithful to His end of the bargain, even when they were not. God will defeat enemy armies, overthrow cities and governments, or anything else to see His promise fulfilled! We must trust that what He has spoken to us will come to pass. He is faithful!


Lord, sometimes I am stubborn and want things my way and in my timing. You are God and You are in control! Help me to trust You with all my life. Teach me You faithfulness more each day. I know you are able, but sometimes I struggle believing that You will bring to pass all that has been spoken over my life. Help my life to become more in line with You, that the day of Your blessing may come.

I love You Lord,

Friday, April 17, 2009

God's Promises Never Fail


Joshua 14:10-11 "Now, as you can see, the Lord has kept me alive and well as he promised for all these forty-five years since Moses made this promise - even while Israel wandered in the wilderness. Today I am eighty five years old. I am as strong now as I was when Moses sent me on that journey, and I can still travel and fight as well as I could then."


Caleb was one of the spies who went in to spy out the land and came back with a good report. He and Joshua believed they could go in immediately and take the land, but the other 10 spies felt the people could not be defeated. Forty five years later, his promise comes to pass. God has preserved him so that he could still, at 85 years old, enjoy the promise. The other interesting thing here is that at 85 he is given one of the pieces of land with giants still living there that he has to fight.


Sometimes we give up on the promises of God far too quickly. Caleb was a man of great faith who was still looking for his promise to come to pass 45 years later. When God promises us something and we don't see results immediately, we get frustrated and think we must have missed God's voice or done something wrong. Patience is something we must develop in our lives because God doesn't seem to be on our timetable, we must learn to be on His. God will preserve you so you can still enjoy the promise when you finally get it. WOW! At 85 Caleb was ready to take on giants. Don't give up too soon on what God has called you to do. Also think about this, people messed up God's promise, but God still came through. People have a free will and they can cause delays in God's blessing, but they can't stop what God has promised forever. If God said it, it will come to pass.


Lord, teach me to be patient in Your calling. There are so many things that I get frustrated with because they are not happening fast enough. Help me to understand Your timetable and get off my own. Teach me to walk with You, trust You and live according to Your ways. You are my God and I want to finish the course You have laid out for me. 45 years seems so long, but teach me to be faithful to the calling, no matter what a few years brings.

I love you Lord,

Thursday, April 16, 2009

When God Fights Your Battles


Joshua 10:42 "All these kings and their land Joshua too at one time, because the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel".


After Ai, Joshua and his men began conquering one city after another, utterly destroying them. In 12:24 it says they took 31 kings and their kingdoms. These were untrained warriors who had been in a wilderness for 40 years going against armies much larger than them. They had one thing going for them, the Lord God fought their battles.


When God decides to fight our battles, look out to anything or anyone who gets in the way. This reminds me that I am much better off with God fighting my battles than trying to fight them on my own. When God does the work, it is done well and enemies are "utterly defeated".


Lord, teach me to allow You to fight my battles. You are my hope and strength. You are my deliverer. Help me not to rely on my own strength, but to realize there is a power much greater than myself who is working on my behalf. No enemy can match the God I serve. You will never cease to amaze me!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Daily Wash 4/14/09


Joshua 6:17 "Now the city shall be doomed by the Lord to destruction, it and all who are in it. Only Rahab the harlot shall live, she and all who with her in the house, because she hid the messengers that we sent"


Little things mean alot! When the spies came to Jericho to spy out the land, they were hidden and brought to safety by a scared postitute. She hid and protected them, then kept their secret. She and her househole were blessed and lived when the entire city died because she honored the people of God. Honor and respect are huge in God's eyes. She honored and respected God and the men representing God enough to take care of them because she had heard about the power of this God they served.


Honor brings great blessing! Sometimes we take God and His people for granted. He should be feared and his people should be taken care of. Rahab was a harlot who honored God and His servants. She was unclean according to the Law, but she feared and honored God by protecting the spies. May we be people of honor who highly reverance and esteem our God! I believe she and her house was saved because of honor. Thanks John Bevere for teaching us about honor. I honor you today!


Lord, teach me to honor You better by honoring your servants. Help me to not take You for granted, but to esteem You highly. You are amazing and I want to honor You as such. Help me to honor those around me, thus honoring you.

May Your Name be Praised!

Daily Wash 4/13/09


Joshua 2:9 "I know the Lord has given you the land, that the terror of you has fallen on us, and that all the inhabitants of the land are fainthearted because of you".


Joshua sent men out to check out the land, especially Jericho. Jericho was a walled city that was nearly impossible to defeat. They had huge walls and armies to protect their people. The children of Israel are coming out from roaming in the wilderness for 40 years. They have no walls and no trained army, but the scripture says, "the terror of you has fallen on us, and all the inhabitants of the land are faintehearted beacuse of you". This really shows me that "if God is for us, who can be against us". Demons shutter at the mention of His name. Powers of darkness run away from that name. In this case, a stronghold is terrorized by an untrained, unequipped army. Why? Because the Lord was with them. They had heard the stories of how God intevened on their behalf.


Many times we feel so weak and feeble. We feel like we are against insurmountable problems. We feel like the enemy before us is greater than the God who is with us. When we hear the report of the enemy, we understand that they are scared of us who walk with the Lord. Rumors float around the kingdom of darkness and they feel more terrorized by us than we think. Instead of holding our heads down and letting the enemy walk all over us, we need to realize who is fighting with us and realize the enemy is scared to death of us because "greater is he who is in you than he that is in the world". The enemy of our souls is fainthearted because he knows his defeat is near and we act as if he was defeated us.


Lord, let us know who we are in You. You are the God who brought the children of Israel out of Egypt. You opened the Red Sea! You opened the Jordan River! You slew entire armies without your people doing anything! You are amazing and Your enemies are terrified of You! May they also be terrified of Your people because they realize who they are in Christ and what authority they have in the earth. Help me Lord to realize that Your enemies tremble when I pray and that they are nothing in comparison to You.

You are AWESOME!


Sunday, April 12, 2009

There is Safety in God's Will


Acts 27:24 "Do not be afraid Paul; you must be brought before Caesar; and indeed God has granted you all those who sail with you".


Paul is on board a ship that appears to be going down. Everyone is panicking and wondering if they are going to die. Paul let's them know everyone is going to survive because an angel had been sent to him telling him he and those on board would be safe because Paul still needed to see Caesar. Paul was safe because he was in the center of God's will for his life. He was a prisoner onboard a ship, but was in the will of God.


I have heard it said that being in God's will is the safest place to be. I would rather be on the front lines of a military operation in God's will, than walking across the street out of God's will. When you are fulfilling your assignment in life, God will take care of you. WHen you are doing your own thing, you are in danger. Make sure you are fulfilling God's purpose for you life, then you are in safety. Paul had been through much difficulty in ministry to this point and was facing more, but he knew that the Jesus who asked him to do these things could also take care of him while he did them.


Lord, we are safest when we are doing Your will. Help me to hear You voice clearer in these last days than ever before. I want to make sure I am not on my own plan, but Yours. When things are difficult, I pray you will remind me that I am in the center of Your will and that in Your will, you take care of Your people. Help me stay of track! I love You.

Your Son,



Acts 26:28 "Then Agrippa said to Paul, 'you almost persuade me to become a Christian'".


Paul had just described his life to Agrippa as he was waiting to be sent for trial to Rome. At the end of Paul telling his life story to him, Agrippa says, "You almost persuade me to bocome a Christian". Agrippa was so close, but so far away. Almost isn't enough!


Many people when they face Jesus will say, "I almost gave my life to You". "I almost served you wholeheartedly". Jesus will reply, "I never knew you, depart from Me you worker of iniquity". Almost never gets anything done. Almost is where many people are in their spiritual journey today. We need to be people who are not "almost" serving god, but serving Him with passion and fervor every day of our lives.


Lord, help me to move out of the land of almost. Almost never got us where we needed to go. I don't want to "almost" see the victory in my life. I don't want to have an "almost" good marriage and family. I don't want to live in the land of almost. I love You Lord and want to make the most of every opportunity. I don't want to dwell with the "been brothers", woulda' been, coulda' been and shoulda' been.

Doing God's Will no Matter What


Acts 23:11 "But the following night the Lord stood by him and said, 'Be of good cheer, Paul; for as you have testified for Me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome".


Paul had just spent the day before the San Hedrin being accused of all kinds of things he hadn't tried to do. The crowd wanted to kill him and the guards had to save him and put him in barracks to protect him from the people who wanted to kill him. Jesus shows up that night and says "be of good cheer". Then he tells him he has to do this again in Rome. You would think the Lord would comfort him and tell him everything was going to get better, which is what we all want to hear the Lord telling us. Paul is a good soldier who received his orders, good and bad.


It seems today that if anything negative happens in our lives that we feel it is not the Lord's will. If people don't like us we think God must not be blessing our ministry. Paul walks through an unbelievable life of pain sorrow, frustration, abuse, and the Lord tells him "be of good cheer" you get to do this again in Rome. He is realizing at this point he is going to jail in Rome and never steers away from it, rather wants it to happen. Paul had determined to follow Jesus to the end! We need to have that same determination and follow our Lord dilligently, when it feels good and when it doesn't.


Lord, help me to follow Your voice to the end of my life. Help me not to focus ont he temporal, but the eternal. Help me keep my focus obedience to Your voice and fulfilling You calling upon my life. Help me not to be frustrated when people don't like me, but to know You like me. Help me not to equate blessing with no problems.

I love you Lord,

Persevering in your Calling


Acts 20:24 “But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus – the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God”.


Paul was finishing his third missionary journey and felt in his spirit he must go to Jerusalem. He knows that at Jerusalem he is going to face terrible situations possibly costing him his life. He has now spent much time, seen many riots, had many near death experiences, all for following Jesus and fulfilling His will. Here Paul says, near the end of all this, his life is nothing unless he finished what Jesus has for him to do.


Paul is a great example of someone who laid down their life for the Gospel. He faced incredible persecutions, yet continued without hesitation. Jesus had given him an assignment it says in this verse, and he could not be satisfied until his assignment was accomplished. Just before this he says he is “bound by the Spirit”. Paul had no other choice but to follow Christ to the end. Sometimes we make ministry seem like it is a choice we can take or not take. We can take it or leave it. Paul seemed to have a different attitude in that he didn’t have a choice. Maybe we should look at our calling more like Paul did.


Wow Lord, Paul was truly Your determined vessel. I want to be more like that. He would not stop until he finished Your assignment. I want to follow You to the ends of the earth. Give me the determination of Paul and let me hear the words I long to hear. Well done thou good and faithful servant.

Your Son,


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Revival or Riot?


Acts 17:5 "But some of the Jews were jealous, so they gathered some troublemakers from the marketplace to form a mob and start a riot. They attacked the home of Jason, searching for Paul and Silas so they could drag them out into the crowd".


As Paul is on his second missionary journey, he is realizing that ministry isn't easy. Everywhere they go there are two things that happen, a revival and a riot. Everywhere they go they see wonderful things happening and they also upset a few people who stir up others to start a riot. Here, the poor people who had just received the teaching of Christ are dragged out and brought before the council.


Somtimes we feel like we are doing bad in ministry if anything is going wrong or there are any bumps in the road. We feel like if everything isn't incredibly smooth, maybe God isn't blessing the ministry we ar doing and want to get out. If that were Paul's idea about ministry, the Gospel never would have gone very far. Everywhere he went there was either a revival or a riot, or both. Sometimes we judge success by how few problems there are at the time. It had to be pretty discouraging to go into every city, preach and see God work mighty miracles and save many souls, then be run out of the city with your life in danger. Paul never complained, he just thought it was normal to suffer for Christ and was to be expected when you take up your cross to follof Him.


Lord, help me to not look at success as the lack of problems in ministry, but by fulfilling Your plan for my life. Help me to not see difficulties and problems as signs that things are not going well and as signs that the enemy must be disturbed. Teach me to endure in the hard times with the right attitude. I want to serve You with a pure heart and receive whatever happens with the call on my life. You are incredible and managed to get Paul out of every situation. I want to serve You in the revivals as well as the riots!

You're the best!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Daily Wash 4/7/09


Acts 14:3 "And the Lord proved their message was true by giving them power to do miraculous signs and wonders".


Here it is again, the Lord confirming His word with signs, wonders and miracles. It seems that miraculous intervention was normal and consistently followed the preaching and teaching of Jesus. Wherever the apostles went they would bring the message of Jesus and power would come to prove what they were saying. Ministry today seems to be in our own wisdom, marketing, planning and church growth principles. Then, they declared Jesus and cities were full of joy because of the miracles and the message.


I believe we neeed to cry out to God and ask Him to confirm our message with signs and wonders again. It said "He proved their message was true by giving them power". The gospel should be accompanied by miraculous power to confirm to those hearing that it is true and God is real. We have leaned on our own strategies and techniques to grow churches and God's way seems so much better and easier. When the miraculous begins to happen, nobody can take and credit, nobody has to beg people to come to Jesus. They see the miracles and want the message.


God help me to be a person who seeks You more intimately. A person who knows Your word and understands the voice of Your Spirit. I want to see You move again in power that cannot be denied. I want to see cities filled with joy because of Your presence and Your miracles. You designed the chruch to grow this way and we have gotten away from Your original prescription. Forgive us for leaning on our own understanding and not Your goodness and power. Walk with me today and let me bring someone to You.

Your Son,


Daily Wash 4/6/09


Acts 12:7 “Suddenly, there was a bright light in the cell, and an angel of the Lord stood before Peter. The angel struck him on the side to awaken him and said, ‘quick! Get up!’ And the chains fell off his wrists”.


Peter had been imprisoned by King Herod Agrippa. The night before his trial, and angel of the Lord wakes up Peter and his chains fell off. The angel escorts him past several guards, locked doors etc. He literally thought he was dreaming all this until he was actually free.


I love to see God work signs, wonders and miracles. Only God can open prison doors, remove chains and walk you directly past prison guards without being noticed. I love it when God does something that can’t be explained by science, chance or anything else. Angels still exist today for the people of God. When Peter ended back up at the prayer meeting for this escape, they thought maybe he was an angel. Angels were commonplace and many believers encountered them. I want to see the supernatural return to the people of God. We need divine intervention in the affairs of life and we need the unsaved in the world to see it.


Lord, move again as You did in the book of Acts. Let us see the miracles of God as they did in that day. I ask You this day to allow us to grow in the supernatural. Teach us to work with You. Your ways are not our ways and Your thoughts are above our thoughts. Blow us away by Your awesomeness. Anyone that heard of the situation above cannot deny the reality of God. I want to see You work in ways that northern Virginia cannot explain except to say, there must be a God.

Your Son,

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Daily Wash 4/5/09


Acts 8:7-8 "Many evil spirits were cast out, screaming as they left their victims. And many who had been paralyzed or lame were healed. So there was great joy in the city".


Wherever the disciples went in the book of Acts, great joy filled the city. Evil spirits were cast out, people were healed, and joy came as a result of their works. Joy is the true reaction to hearing and seeing what God can do in individual's lives. Joy was also what Jesus was striving to leave His disciples when He was going away. Jesus Himself was anointed with the oil of joy above those around Him.


We need to see God work in people's lives to the degree that they are completely transformed and joy fills the hearts of everyone around. It seems in Acts that entire cities were hearing what God was doing and would rejoice. I want to see God do such a work in my day, that there would be city-wide rejoicing. I know it is possible! I know it is God's will to save, heal and deliver the multitudes. Now is the time to rise up and begin to bring the Kingdom of God everywhere we go and with it comes the joy to keep going.


Father, fill us with Your joy! Let Ashburn be filled with real joy that comes from seeing Jesus high and lifted up. I ask You to do a work so great that Your name is praised from the housetops. I ask You to work in and through our lives to bring about and establish Your kingdom here on the earth. Come Holy Spirit! lLet joy come to our city because they have seen the awesome works of our God. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the impure, and be glorified. Turn our city upside down in the near future with an outpouring of Your Spirit.

You're the best!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Daily Wash 4/4/09


Acts 5:28 "you have filled all Jerusalem with your teaching about him, and you want to make us responsible for his death!"


This passage takes place apparently a very short time after Jesus had ascended to heaven and the Holy Spirit had been poured out in the upper room. After the outpouring, signs, wonders and miracles began to happen wherever the disciples of Jesus went. They were the talk of the town. When you get to Acts 5, the high priest and religious leaders have them in custody and we hear the words "you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching about him".


Wouldn't it be incredible to have the leaders of Ashburn, VA. come to the body of Christ and say, "you have filled Ashburn with your teaching about Jesus!" The early church had an amazing start. This 120 people that were in the upper room had been so touched by God's power that quickly the entire city knew about them and about Jesus. We are living in the last days and we need to speed up our witnessing and bringing people to Christ. May they accuse us of filling our city with Jesus teaching.


Father, do it again! "Stretch out Your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs an wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus." may the earth be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. Fill my city with your teaching and let crowds be converted and brought into relationship with You. I pray for an ovewhelming revival to hit Ashburn, Virginia that will shake up this area. I pray it will affect every aspect of society and that the percentage of those claiming to be Christian would increase dramatically. Father, there is a huge amount of work to be done and I realize we can't do it on our own. Come by Your Spirit and do what man cannot do. Transform our region from being self-centered to becoming Christ-centered.

Let the fire fall!


Friday, April 3, 2009

Daily Wash 4/3/09


Acts 3:12 "So when Peter saw it, he responded to the people: 'Men of Israel, why do you marvel at this? Or why look so intently at us, as though by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?'"


A man who had been lame from his mother's womb had just been healed after an interaction with Peter and John on their way to the temple at the hour of prayer. The people were amazed because they all knew this was the lame man who had begged in that place for many many years. Peter looked at the crowd and said, "Why do you marvel at this?" He then goes on to give glory to God and shows them that it was not their righteousness or power that healed the man, but Jesus whom they had crucified.


I can't wait for the day when an absolute miracle is responded to by saying, "Why do you marvel at this?" Evidently the disciples had seen so many miracles and had been with Jesus so much that things like this were commonplace. God was working with the apostles in such a beautiful way that they realized it had nothing to do with them and everything to do with Jesus. It's like they were simply pointing people to Jesus and not to the miracles. Today we would say "get the tv crews on this, tells the newspapers, we just had a miracle". For the apostles, it was normal because they had been with Jesus. I also noticed in this passage that when they met the lame man they said "look at us" when the crowds were looking at them they said "don't look on us". It appears they knew they had something in them that could heal a lame man, but knew not to take any glory and to bring attention to themselves.


Lord, I want to see you glorified! May the church of Jesus Christ get back to pushing the praise back to Jesus instead of wanting people to see the miracles that happened and get noticed. May we come back to the place of humble servanthood in your kingdom. Let us remember that all glory goes to You! You are worthy of all praise! May You Name be glorified in all the earth and may the body of Christ see you work until they say, "Why do you marvel at this?" Thank you for a great example right from the beginning of the church age of how we should respond when God does something great.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Daily Wash 4/2


John 21:15 "After breakfast Jesus asked Simon Peter, 'Simon, Son of John, do you love me more than these?' 'Yes Lord,' Peter replied, 'you know I love you.' 'Then feed my lambs,' Jesus told him."


Jesus has died and resurrected. He is about to ascend to his father and he pulls Peter away after breakfast and asks him if he really loves him. Peter says, "You know I love you". Jesus replies, "feed my lambs". There is much that could be said about this story like the use of agape when Jesus asks Peter and Peter replying with I phileo you, but that is not what the Lord is putting on my heart. He is saying, if you really care for me, feed my lambs.


The feeding of sheep is critical business to Jesus. He loves his sheep and has proven he will lay down his life for the sheep. Now he is asking Peter to have the same mindset. Jesus had already said He was the shepherd and His sheep know His voice, now He asks Peter to feed them. As believers, we must take up the task of feeding God's sheep. All of us have people we should be feeding. We are all leading someone. Are we leading them closer to jesus and feeding them His word?


Lord, I realize You are incredibly concerned for your sheep. Help me to be one who takes feeding them as seriously as You do. Give me opportunity today to feed someone some of Your word. Teach me to make the most of every opportunity. Teach me to be a better shepherd of You sheep. I noticed in this verse You said "My sheep". I realize I am your undershepherd. they are really Your sheep, teach me to lead them better. I want to hear the words, "Well done good and faithful servant" and I want to feed your sheep.

You are awesome!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Daily Wash 4/1/09


John 18:36 "My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my kingdom is not of this world".


Pilate has just asked Jesus if he was the King of the Jews. He replies by basically saying he was aking, but not of an earthly kingdom. He says his kingdom is not of this world!


The kingdom of God is not of this world. We are part of a kingdom that is not like the kingdoms of this world. The kingdom we belong to is the eternal kingdom of our Father. We are ambassadors of that kingdom here on the earth. Our king doesn't reside here right now, but his ambassadors do and we are to fulfill His will on the earth as His representatives. The kingdom we belong to is a spiritual kingdom that is worldwide and universal. WE are part of something huge! God's kingdom doesn't operate like the kingdoms of this world. He has different standards and ways of doing things. To represent Him, we must study His instruction manual ( the Bible ) to see that we are properly implementing his rule.


Help us to understand that your kingdom is not like the kingdoms we know about. Help us to see that you are above every other king and that your kingdom will prevail forever and ever. Help us to see that we are just pilgrims on this earth passng through on our way to the eternal kingdom of God where we will forever be with the Lord in a perfect kingdom. Lord, let us andvance your kingdom to every nations, kindred, tribe and tongue on this earth you created.
