Monday, October 14, 2024

True Repentance


' Lord , we confess our wickedness and that of our ancestors, too. We all have sinned against you. For the sake of your reputation, Lord , do not abandon us. Do not disgrace your own glorious throne. Please remember us, and do not break your covenant with us. ' Jeremiah 14:20-21


Jeremiah gives us a true depiction of what repentance looks like. In this passage, he confesses the wickedness of his generation and that of his ancestors. He states that they had all sinned against the Lord. Then he asks the Lord, for the sake of His reputation, not to abandon them. He asks the Lord to remember them and not to break His covenant with them. He acknowledged the sin, turned from it, asked for mercy, then reminded God of His covenant.


True repentance is acknowledging that we have messed up and gone away from the Lord, then confessing our sins and the sins of our generation. In doing this, we admit that we broke the covenant with God and request that God remember His covenant with us. In a covenant, each party makes promises. Repentance means we are returning to the covenant and asking God to return as well. We must admit that we are the ones who broke the covenant and not the Lord. We can then turn completely to Him and ask for His blessing. Covenant is so important. 


Lord God Almighty, thank You for reminding me of the importance of covenant this morning. Help me to live up to my end of the covenant with You. I gave You my life for your purposes. Help me not to live for myself, but for You at all times. I want to be completely Yours. Thank You for this trip to Togo and for allowing me to see all You have done here through obedience to You. Help me to trust You with every detail of my life and to follow You completely. Entrust me with more and more so I can extend Your Kingdom more and more I pray.

Yours Forever,

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