Saturday, October 12, 2024

Speaking God's Heart


'They offer superficial treatments for my people’s mortal wound. They give assurances of peace when there is no peace. ' Jeremiah 8:11


God is speaking to Jeremiah about what he is to tell God's people. In this passage, God tells him about the prophets who offer superficial treatments for mortal wounds. He says they give assurance of peace when there is no peace. God makes it clear that He expects His spokespeople to convey His message with accuracy, and not just tell the people what they want to hear.


God desires pastors, apostles, prophets, teachers, and evangelists who will convey what He is speaking and not just what feels good to the people. As spokespersons for God, we must make sure we are conveying what He wants us to convey and not just speak about what seems right or makes people feel good. God is looking for some people who will speak what He wants spoken, whether it is popular or not. He needs some speakers who will speak from His heart and not just words that they think will connect and help people.


Father, I am in ministry at Your calling. Help me accurately convey what you are speaking at all times. I want to be your voice to my generation. I don't want to speak what I think will work well or what I think will be received well. I want to speak what You are speaking. I want to do what You are doing. Help me to declare your truth in the way You want it declared. Open my ears and let me hear Your voice, then give me the boldness to speak what You are saying.

Your Son,


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